Installing Ryarc CM Player - Step by step

Download the Ryarc CamapaignManager installer from to your local machine.

Double click on the .exe to start the installation.

Wait for files to be extracted.

On the following window, click Next.

Read through the license agreement and if you agree to the terms and conditions, accept the license agreement by clicking the checkbox. Click Next.

Enter user name and users company and click Next.

Now from the available features select only CM Player from the list. Click Next.

Select the destination path for installing the software. If no other path is selected, then use the default path and click Next.

Use the default name of the application for the start menu and click Next to start the installation.

Next dialog informs user that setup is ready to start installing Ryarc Campaign Manager 6. Click Next.

Please wait until the software is installed. The installer will install all required dependencies. User action may be required to install some of the redistributable dependencies on fresh new machines.

When only Ryarc CM Player is installed on the machine, the following dialog will appear if installation is successful.