Audience Dwell Time Conditional Playback

Dwell Time Intro

Dwell Time is used for conditional playback for specified media, campaign or command in the CMS that depends on the audience in front of the camera. The selected media will play or not play depending on how long they stay in front of the screen.

CMPlayer Configuration

In the windows or Linux CMPlayer Configuration file, open the General Settings. From the ‘Audience’ drop down menu, enable the Audience. It can be any type of the audience AI. Start the player.

Set Dwell Time Condition

From CMS, create new campaign, add one media file and set with dwell time condition. Right click on the media > Playlist Settings and click on Conditional. From the Conditional Play window choose Dwell Time. Choose the operator 'Any Audience stays more than' and in the field add seconds (for example 60s). Click on Ok button and publish it on player.

The camera turns ON. Ryarc logo will play on the player until any of the audience stays more than 60sec, after that the media will start with playing.

Change the dwell time condition with:

- 'Any audience stays less than': After publish the media will start playing, if any audience stays less than 60sec, the media will continue with playing, otherwise, the ryarc logo will start with playing.

- 'All Audiences stay more than': Ryarc logo will play on player until all audiences stay more than 60sec, after that the media will start playing.

- 'All Audiences stay less than': After publish the media will start playing, if all audiences stay less than 60sec, the media will continue with playing, otherwise, the ryarc logo will start with playing.

If more than one media exist in a campaign, in order to play the current media immediately, the other media need to set with the opposite condition, in order to make sure at the time, only that media’s condition is met and valid to play.

Condition on Command or Campaign

Similarly the condition can be set for entire command or campaign