
Universal Data Entry System (DEUS) is a web-based data entry application that can be used to update content data or to automatically calculate some formula and display in the CM Player/ Android Player. For example, if you have a flash content that displays menu-based data then sales people can log in to the DEUS and update the pricing of different menus. CM Player will automatically display those updated prices after default interval.

How to setup DEUS?

When you install CM Service, by default DEUS is also installed on the same machine. It is not possible to install DEUS separately from the CM Service.

To access DEUS, if you are already logged in on Web CMService, go to Dashboard page and click on the DEUS button located in Related Applications section located at the bottom of the page.

Otherwise start any browser and type in the URL: http://servername/DEUS/ . Replace the server name with the actual name of the CM Service machine. Login page will be shown.

Login to DEUS

To log in to DEUS, go to Dashboard page and click on the DEUS button located in Related Applications section. After clicking this option in the default web browser DEUS page is opened and login is not necessary. Another way is to start any browser and type in the following URL: http://servername/DEUS/. This option opens the login page and user is required to enter valid credentials.

Enter your domain login credentials for CampaignManager and click Login. If the login is unsuccessful, an appropriate message will be displayed.

Upon successful login, you will see the full list of channels available in the domain. Note that the list will include all domain level channels. If a new channel is added to the domain/project in CampaignManager and synced to the server, the user must log off and log back into the DEUS to view the updated list of all channels. As displayed in the following image, 1 shows the user that is currently logged in, and opening drop down menu the link for logging out of the DEUS shows up. Also, 2 shows the search boxes for the key (Locate Key) and channel (Channel Search), a button for adding the new key, search by categories button and refresh button. And 3 shows the full list of channels for this domain.

Key/Value Pairs

In order to start using the DEUS system, you need to create a key/value pair.

For the specific example of the menu based system, a key can be defined as an item on the menu while the value is the price of that item.

To create a key, click the New key button on the DEUS menu.

This opens the Key editor window. Enter a name for the key, short description (optional) select the type of the key from the drop-down menu (by default is Text Key selected, also can be selected Image Key and Switch Key) and select an image for the key (optional). Click Save to save the key. NOTE that by default for every new key Under the root checkbox is selected. If you want to create the key as a subkey to an existing key then select the second checkbox As a subkey of the selected key and select the existing key from the drop-down box. Another note is that if an existing key is selected in the list, then after clicking on the New key button, by default second checkbox will be checked and in the drop-down list the key that user clicked on will be selected by default.

The key gets added to the DEUS and is applied to all the channels in the domain.

In a similar manner, create keys for every item in the menu. And select appropriate key type.

Once the keys are created, you can add values for those keys. For text type keys click on blank and small window opens up to add the appropriate value. The key/value pair applies to selected channel field. So you must add key/value pair against a channel.

For switch type key, just click to change the state from On Sale to Sold. The key/value pair applies to the selected channel.

For Picture type keys, click on the small icon to add an image as a key. A new window opens up to choose the image file from the local disk. Select some image and click open. This adds the image as image key, and the field changes from ‘No image provided’ to ‘Remove’, by clicking on remove image key file will be removed.

The values are not saved by default. Click Save from the DEUS menu to save the latest values.

Edit Key/Value Pair

To edit the name of a key, click inside that key/value cell. Above the list opens up a preview with the name and description fields, preview picture and buttons to change the picture and to remove the key. Click on the name/description of the key and small window above the name/description opens up, there can be added the new name for the key or new description. Click the appropriate button to keep or dismiss the new name/description. Select change the picture button to change the default picture for the key. To remove the key select remove button. Click Edit to open the key editor window and make necessary changes to the key properties. A confirmation dialog will be displayed. Select Yes, continue to confirm the delete operation or No, cancel to cancel the delete operation.

Create content with Key/Value pair

To display key/value pair information on a media in CM Player, the content creator needs to create a media content (e.g., flash file) that utilizes the keys. Note that the exact name of the key needs to be used in the flash file, otherwise the key/value pair on the media will not be updated.

Every time the key is edited, the flash file has to be edited as well.

DEUS menu buttons

Use the following buttons to perform different actions on the key/value pair.

1 Locate Key Type key name in the search box and click locate button to get the key location.
2 Channel Search Type channel name and click the Search button to return the filtered channel list. To get the full list of channels, you need to clear the search box and click Search.
3 Create new key Click this to create a new key.
4 Save Click this to save any changes on DEUS.
5 Fill across Select any cell and click this to fill all cells to the right of the selection with the same value for the selected channel.
6 Fill down Select any cell and click this to fill all cells below the selection with the same value for all channels.
7 Search by Categories Select this to open the channel filtering window. Select appropriate categories in the category tree to return the filtered channel list. To get the full list of channels, you need to clear the filters.
8 Refresh Click this to sync data between CM Service and DEUS.

Media with Key/Value pair playing on CM Player

Once the media (flash file) is created with the appropriate keys from DEUS, create a Campaign and add this flash file in the What section. Publish the Campaign. Now start the player.

CM Player syncs and downloads an XML configuration file, titled DEUS.xml from the service which contains all relevant key/value pair information. Note that key/value pair must be created for the channel with which CM Player is configured with. The DEUS.xml file can be located in the CM Player media folder.

Player then plays the flash file and populates the values field in the flash file with the key/value pair data.

If you update the values in the DEUS and save it, the player will download the updated data in DEUS.xml file after the d efault call interval and display the latest values on the screen.

Math calculations with Key/Value pair on CM Player

Create few text keys from DEUS, and add some values for them, also create one image key and add some image for value. On Web CM side create a campaign with images and publish to the channel for which the keys are created. Add Text Zone in the Campaign What section, and in DEUS dropdown menu insert some math formula (for example: ((Key1 - 2.6) + Key2) * 2). Publish Campaign. Now start the player.

Player sync and plays the campaign in background player automatically get values for each involved keys and do proper calculation according to the formula. In the end, only the final result should be displayed.

If you update the values in the DEUS and save it, the player will download the updated data in DEUS.xml file after default call interval and display the latest result on the screen.