Displaying command results on Player

Creating a Command

This option is used to integrate certain commands in a specific Media Template and to display the live output on the player and in the execution results of the command. It is implemented for both Windows and Linux players. Open Commands from the menu and create a new Command.

Choosing the type of the Command

After successfully creating the command, observe the What section of the command. Here, you can choose from the commands, or import a template (Advanced Command and rIOT Command tab). Publish the command.

Creating a Media Template

Go to Media Templates from the menu and create a new Media Template.

Adding the Command in the Media Template

After successfully creating the Media Template, select the Text Zone from the Canvas zone. Here, notices the ‘Insert Command’ drop-down menu. From its list (all previously created commands) you can select a command. Click on ‘Save’. Then, import the Media Template into a campaign.

Publishing the command on a Player

Configure the channel on which the Command and the Campaign are published.

Verifying the output

After the diagnostics pass, open the player. Once the player is synced and the command executed, the command output will be displayed on the player. To compare it, go to Execution Results and verify the output in the ‘Output’ table column. Below is an example of a command that shows the date and time.

Comparing the output

As previously mentioned, compare the result on the player with the ‘Output’ table column in the Execution Results tab: