Media Approval Alerts are used for FORO. The domain admin user and the master admin users are receiving email alerts for every media uploaded by the other users on the existing domain.
First the domain admin user should set an email address from CMS (the email address for the master admin user is set when creating new master user in FORO).
The user that wants to receive email alerts for the domain, needs to check the button ‘Send media approval alert email’ in ‘Settings’ tab.
Now, the media files can be uploaded on Foro.
1) If the domain admin user uploads media, the media will be automatically approved and the domain admin user and the master users will not receive media approval alert.
2) If the master admin user uploads media, the media will be automatically approved and no alert will be sent to the domain admin or to some master user.
3) If any other normal user uploads media files, the media will not be approved automatically and media approval alert will be sent to the domain admin and the master users.
The email contains all uploaded media from the normal user and it is sent to all master users on that domain and the domain admin user.