The procedure for installing the Mesh is incorporated when installing the CMService. As on the screenshot below, please click on the Install Mesh Server and press OK button.
After clicking OK, a new pop up message will be shown with information that Mesh has been installed successfully.
Click on the Domain level (see screenshot below) and choose Control Panel.
In Control Panel, choose Remote Access Settings and click on the checkbox Enable remote Device tasks like Remote Desktop, File Explorer, Terminal as well as other commands. After choosing, do not forget to click Save button, from the left navigation menu.
Go to Devices (as on the screenshot below), choose your device and new menu will be shown on the right side - Player Tasks.
Regarding your needs, from here you can choose your preferred requirements.
There are commands under Tasks Player for devices that support remote management:
Remote Desktop - From this page the Domain Admin can manage the remote desktop of the selected online device. Click on Remote Desktop and press Connect.
When done with working on the Remote Desktop, simply press Disconnect for closure and Back for going back to Devices view.
Actions - Choose variety of options - Wake up/Sleep/Restart/Power Off and then press OK or Cancel button
Settings - from the dropdown menu choose different options for Quality, Scaling and Frame Rate. Lower quality or rate brings smoother remote session, and saves bandwidth. The data usage only occurs during the remote session.
Remote desktop player and variety of screen options (rotate screen, screensaver, record, screen size etc.)
File Explorer - From this page the user can see the file system of the remote machine and manage files like add or remove a file or replace a file to another folder. Click on File Explorer.
By choosing the proposed location (C:\), an additional menu will be open where you can find all files needed for the Remote Access Settings (see in red box).
Up: Leads to the upper directory.
Select None: Unselect previously selected.
Rename: For renaming specific file/location.
Delete: To remove specified file/location.
Edit: for text files, user can edit directly online without download locally.
New Folder: Create a new folder.
Upload: For uploading files to the location.
Download: For downloading files from the location. Clicking on the file can also download.
Cut: Cut allows to transfer the specified file from this location to other, Paste required in the new directory.
Copy: Copy allows to transfer the specified file from this location to other, Paste required in the new directory.
Paste: When Cut or Copy, option Paste is enabled and finalize the cut or copy process.
Refresh: Refresh the page.
Terminal - This page provides terminal where the user can type commands for the remote device machine.
User may prepare the multiline commands in the build-in Command Editor.
Power off - This option will turn off the remote device.
Restart - This option is the equivalent of reboot option, but for the remote device.
Sleep mode - This option will put the remote device in sleeping mode.
Hibernate - This option will put the remote device into hibernate mode.
NOTE: The last two settings depend on the device's power settings.