Predefined commands in PowerShell script - Command Libraries

Creating a Command Library

This new feature is used to integrate predefined commands selected by the user in a specific PowerShell script. First, we need to create a new Command Library. Open Command Libraries from the menu, and create a new Command Library.

Creating a new PowerShell script

After successfully creating the command library, hover over the ‘Create New’ button. Here, you can choose from the different types of templates. Select the ‘Power Shell Script’ option. A modal window will appear asking the user to enter the name of the template.

‘Create a PowerShell script’ section

When the user opens the PowerShell template, the ‘Create a PowerShell script’ section is displayed. Here you can select the desired predefined command from the ‘Select predefined command:’ drop-down menu.

After selecting the desired predefined command, the appropriate description of the command will be displayed in the field above. In addition to this the script will be displayed in the field below. Then, click on the ‘Save’ button.

Importing the PowerShell script in a Command

After creating a new command, go to the ‘Advanced Command’ tab and select the previously created PowerShell template from the ‘Select command template:’ drop-down menu. Click on the ‘Load’ button, and verify the command below.

After this, just publish the command, and verify the appropriate results (This can be checked in the ‘Execution Results’ tab).