The QRCode for devices is used for easy Remote Desktop access via scanning on mobile phone. The Remote Desktop has read only permissions. For both Windows and Linux Players live screen show display after scanning, while for android players the latest screenshot display instead if it’s enabled. For successfully using this feature we need to be sure that Remote access or screenshot is enabled and Device is powered on or online.
When the device for which we want to use Remote Desktop is selected, the QRCode appears in player details.
For using Ryarc Mobile Remote Desktop, first step we need to do is to scan the QR code for authorization with barcode scanning application from your mobile (NOTE that the QRcode for authorization is only required to scan every week. So, once it's scanned, you only need to scan the device QRCode to view the Remote Desktop screen).
After scanning the authorization code, success message will be shown on browser stating ‘QRCode Authorization Succeeded’, which means the mobile has be granted with the same user’s permissions. Next, scan the QR code for the device, if Device is powered on or online, the Remote Desktop will be shown on your mobile’s browser with read only permissions. Otherwise, CMService login page and notification message will be shown stating ‘Remote desktop can't be opened, make sure the device is powered on or online’.
It is usually used for test purpose. After scanning the authorization code and open the link in the browser. Clicking on QRcode from CMService when the Device is powered on or online, new tab will be opened where Remote Desktop or sceenshot for that device is shown, with read only permissions. Otherwise, notification message will be shown stating ‘Remote desktop can't be opened, make sure the Device is powered on or online’.
Using the QRCode for android devices will enable view of the current state of the android CMPlayer through screenshot. First step that must be done for using this feature should be to enable to option ‘Enable Screenshot’ from the Android CMPlayer Configuration. After successfully scanning the QRCode for authorization and scanning the QRCode for the Android device, the screenshot from the current state of the Android CMPlayer will be shown.
If the device QRCode is scanned after weeks from when the authorization QRCode was scanned, the browser will be opened on Ryarc login page with a notification message stating ‘Access is denied. You must rescan the QR code for authorization’. (QRCode for authorization should be scanned every week)