Social Media Post Approval

If the user has the option Enable approval process checked then all media and posts from the appropriate social template will be listed for approval in the page Social Meda Post Approval. Nothing will be shown on the Player until the user manually approves every each post and media.

Click on the last button Social Media Post Approval from the left navigation menu to open the page. Here are shown all integrated Social Media Templates in the drop-down list. By default is selected Show All and all media and posts from all templates are listed here. NOTE: Templates will not be listed in the drop-down list until they are imported and published in some active Campaigns. After Campaign is pulled templates associated with that Campaign will be automatically removed from the approval list. Next to the drop-down list is button Refresh. Click on this button to refresh the list.

Approve/Reject Post Media

Click on the drop-down list and select the appropriate Media Template that was used in some active published Campaign. List of all posts and media from the template will be shown. NOTE: Only posts and media that are not older than three days will be shown in this list. Posts and media older than 3 days will be automatically removed from this list.

Click on some media from the list, two additional buttons will be shown next to Refresh button, Approve and Reject.

After media is selected click on Approve button to approve media or Reject button to reject media. The message will be shown for successful operation. Approved media have a thick sign in the Is Approved column. Approved media will be automatically shown on the Player, while rejected will be ignored and not be played at all.