Each role has an association with one or multiple projects and consists of a set of permissions. When a role is assigned to a user, that user inherits all permissions for that role. By making changes to the role and saving those changes, it is possible to enforce those new changes to take effect immediately. When this happens, a logged in user is forced to log off. While permissions inherited from a role govern what a user can and cannot access, a user can also be assigned entity level permissions. Users must have appropriate permissions to make changes to users and roles as well as entity permissions.
Click on the Domain user menu and select Users from the drop-down list.
This opens the all Users workspace. You can view the current status of all users in this domain. You must have appropriate permissions to view this list view.
The all users list view shows the number of information about the user.
To create a user click on the Create New (Plus sign) button from the left navigation menu.
Alternatively, right-click and select Create New from the context menu. This will open the Create New User modal window
Enter a name, a valid password (must meet minimum requirements), a valid email address and click Create. And the workspace of the newly created user will appear.
Name | Enter a suitable name for the user |
Email | Enter a valid email address |
Created | This shows when the user entity is created. This is read-only. |
Modified | This shows when the user entity was modified. Created and Modified fields are the same as when the user is created for the first time. |
Priority | Select the priority assigned to a user. The user will be able to modify the priority level of Campaigns/Tickers/Commands which have the same or lower priority ranking. |
Click on the tab Roles. This opens the roles page on user workspace. Using the buttons provided, move appropriate roles from Available Roles list view to Selected Roles list view. You can assign multiple roles to the same user. When multiple roles having different permission templates and associated with the same project are assigned to the same user, then highest role prevails. Use the search control provided above each list view to returning a filtered result, based on entity name.
Now click Save from the navigation menu to save the user. After the user is successful save notification message will appear in the right bottom corner.
To edit an existing user, select the user from the user workspace.
On the selected user following actions can be performed:
Block | By blocking the user the login rights are revoked |
Unblock | By unblocking blocked user the login rights are invoked |
Password | To change the password for |
Make Domain Admin | Provide the user with domainadmin privileges |
Delete | To delete the selected user |
In the user’s workspace can make additional changes in:
Priority | Select the priority assigned to a user. The user will be able to modify the priority level of Campaigns/Tickers/Commands which have the same or lower priority ranking. |
e-mail | Change the existing e-mail address of the user |
NOTE that only Domain Admin or users with domain admin privileges can change another user password. However, users with domain admin privileges cannot change the Domain Admin password.
To delete a user, select the user and press DEL from the keyboard. Alternatively, select the user and select Delete (Big X sign) in the navigation menu. Also, the user can be deleted by right-clicking on the selected user and select delete.
When selecting any of these options, a confirmation dialog will pop up to confirm deleting process. Click Delete to delete selected user or click Cancel to cancel the delete operation.
After the user is successfully deleted delete notification will appear in the bottom right corner
To assign domain admin permissions to a user, select the user in all user list view. Right-click to open the context menu and select Set As DomainAdmin. This assigns the user with domain admin privileges. When the user logs back in, the user will have full access to the entire domain.
The user will now be able to make changes to all entities including all users, roles and roles permission. However, this user will not be able to make any permission changes to the Domain Admin since it is a system generated built-in user.
Open the user that has been assigned domain admin privileges. In the Roles page of the user workspace, the Selected Roles list view now includes a role called Domain Administrator.
To remove domain admin privileges from a user, select the user in all users list view, right-click to open the context menu and select Remove As DomainAdmin.
To search users from all users list view, click inside the search box and type the search text. The workspace will return a filtered result of users that have a matching text string in the Name field. The string will be highlighted in green.
To view the online user status, select Users from Project Explorer under Domain tree view. This opens all Users list view. Users that are currently logged in to this domain will appear as online under the Status column. User icon will also denote the status of the user. The different user states that are supported by Campaign Manager include:
Online – This denotes user is currently logged in to this domain and active. This is denoted by a green overlay icon.
Offline – This denotes that user is not currently logged in to this domain or connection from user’s Campaign Manager has dropped. This is denoted by a grey overlay icon.
Blocked – This denotes that the user is currently blocked. Under the blocked condition, user login will fail. To log in successfully to the domain, the user must be unblocked. This is denoted by a blocked overlay icon.
When user limit is exceeded and the user is in inactive state, a yellow bar is shown with a warning text that domain has exceeded the user limit. Open Configure Domain wizard in realm to update the domain limits.
To open user details view, select any existing user and summary details view will appear on the right side.
To view a more detailed history about the user click on More button in details view and the following window will appear.
User history record has seven fields (columns).
1 | Entity Name | name of the entity |
2 | Entity Type | type of the entity; it can be campaign, command, ticker, user |
3 | Action | what action is done on the entity; for example PUBLISH, PULL, DELETE, MODIFY |
5 | User | The user that make the action on the entity |
6 | Created On | when the history record is created |
7 | IP Address | IP address from which machine is change created |
The Role is an entity that defines the permissions levels for all other entities.
Select Roles entity under Project Explorer to open All Roles list view.
A user is assigned with one or more roles. If multiple roles are assigned to the same user, then the highest role prevails. The association of a role with one or more project defines whether or not the user is able to open that project.
When a new project is created, five default roles are created and automatically associated with this project. The project name is used to label the roles who have pre-defined permission levels.
For example, if a new project called Test1 is created then the five default roles created will be labeled as:
To create a new role, select Big Plus icon from the navigation menu. You must have appropriate permission to create a role.
Alternatively, you can select Roles from Project Explorer, right-click inside all roles list view and select Create New.
This creates Create New Role popup.
Then the workspace of the new role will appear.
The Created on and Modified on fields represent when the role was created and last modified. These read-only fields initially have the same value when the role is created.
Click on the tab Role Projects. Associate the role with one or more projects by checking the project checkboxes. By default all project checkboxes are unchecked.
Select a permission template from the combo box for each project.
Select Permissions in the navigation panel to view the permission level. By default, the pre-defined permission levels are loaded when permission template is selected. You can make changes to the permission page. To change the existing permissions, uncheck/check the different permissions as appropriate.
Campaign | Create | Check this to allow the user to create a new Campaign in the associated project |
| Read | Check this to allow the user to view existing Campaign in the associated project |
| Write | Check this to allow the user to edit existing Campaigns in the associated project |
| Delete | Check this to allow the user to delete existing Campaigns in the associated project |
| Publish | Check this to allow the user to publish a Campaign in the associated project |
| Approve | Check this to allow the user to approve a Campaign in the associated project |
| Change Permission | Check this to allow the user to assign permissions to other users or roles. By default, DomainAdmin or users with domainadmin privileges have this permission |
Schedule | Create | Check this to allow the user to create a new public schedule in the associated project |
| Read | Check this to allow the user to view existing public schedules in the associated project |
| Write | Check this to allow the user to edit existing public schedules in the associated project |
| Delete | Check this to allow the user to delete existing public schedule in the associated project |
| Change Permission | Check this to allow the user to assign permissions to other users or roles. By default, Domain Admin or users with domain admin privileges have this permission |
Ticker | Create | Check this to allow the user to create a new Ticker in the associated project |
| Read | Check this to allow the user to view existing Tickers in the associated project |
| Write | Check this to allow the user to edit existing Tickers in the associated project |
| Delete | Check this to allow the user to delete existing Tickers in the associated project |
| Publish | Check this to allow the user to publish a Ticker in the associated project |
| Approve | Check this to allow the user to approve a Ticker in the associated project |
| Change Permission | Check this to allow the user to assign permissions to other users or roles. By default, Domain Admin or users with domain admin privileges have this permission |
Command | Create | Check this to allow the user to create a new Command in the associated project |
| Read | Check this to allow the user to view existing Commands in the associated project |
| Write | Check this to allow the user to edit existing Commands in the associated project |
| Delete | Check this to allow the user to delete existing Commands in the associated project |
| Publish | Check this to allow the user to publish a Command in the associated project |
| Approve | Check this to allow the user to approve a Command in the associated project |
| Change Permission | Check this to allow the user to assign permissions to other users or roles. By default, Domain Admin or users with domain admin privileges have this permission |
Player | Read | Check this to allow the user to view existing players in the associated project |
| Write | Check this to allow the user to edit existing player configurations in the associated project |
| Delete | Check this to allow the user to delete existing players in the associated project |
Channel | Create | Check this to allow the user to create a new Channel in the associated project |
| Read | Check this to allow the user to view existing Channels in the associated project |
| Write | Check this to allow the user to edit existing Channels in the associated project |
| Delete | Check this to allow the user to delete existing Channels in the associated project |
| Import | Check this to allow the user to import domain channels to project |
| Change Permission | Check this to allow the user to assign permissions to other users or roles. By default, Domain Admin or users with domain admin privileges have this permission |
Category | Create | Check this to allow the user to create new Category |
| Read | Check this to allow the user to view Category treeview in the associated project |
| Write | Check this to allow the user to edit Category in the associated project |
| Delete | Check this to allow the user to delete Category in the associated project |
Playlist | Create | Check this to allow the user to create a new Playlist in the associated project |
| Read | Check this to allow the user to view existing Playlists in the associated project |
| Write | Check this to allow the user to edit existing Playlists in the associated project |
| Delete | Check this to allow the user to delete existing Playlists in the associated project |
| Publish | Check this to allow the user to publish a playlist in the associated project |
| Change Permission | Check this to allow the user to assign permissions to other users or roles. By default, Domain Admin or users with domain admin privileges have this permission |
Media Library | Create | Check this to allow the user to create a new MediaLibrary in the associated project |
| Read | Check this to allow the user to view existing MediaLibraries in the associated project |
| Write | Check this to allow the user to edit existing MediaLibraries in the associated project |
| Delete | Check this to allow the user to delete existing MediaLibraries in the associated project |
| Import | Check this to allow the user to import domain MediaLibrary to project |
| Change Permission | Check this to allow the user to assign permissions to other users or roles. By default, Domain Admin or users with domain admin privileges have this permission |
Media | Import | Check this to allow the user to import domain Media to project |
Command Library | Create | Check this to allow the user to create a new Command Library in the associated project |
| Read | Check this to allow the user to view existing Command Libraries in the associated project |
| Write | Check this to allow the user to edit existing Command Libraries in the associated project |
| Delete | Check this to allow the user to delete existing Command Libraries in the associated project |
| Import | Check this to allow the user to import domain Command Library to project |
| Change Permission | Check this to allow the user to assign permissions to other users or roles. By default, Domain Admin or users with domain admin privileges have this permission |
User | Create | Check this to allow the user to create a new user |
| Read | Check this to allow the user to view existing users in the associated project |
| Write | Check this to allow the user to edit existing users in the associated project |
| Delete | Check this to allow the user to delete existing users in the associated project |
Role | Create | Check this to allow the user to create a new role |
| Read | Check this to allow the user to view existing roles in the associated project |
| Write | Check this to allow the user to edit existing roles in the associated project |
| Delete | Check this to allow the user to delete existing roles in the associated project |
Report | Create | Check this to allow the user to create reports |
History | Read | Check this to allow the user to read project history |
Trigger | Write | Check this to allow the user to send trigger events to the player. If this permission is unchecked, then Trigger entity is removed from the Project Explorer. This is because of the fact that with no write permission to send triggers, the user has no reason to view the trigger workspace |
All the projects appear under each entity in the Permission page. To view the projects and their related permissions for each entity, expand any entity in the permission page. You can make independent permission changes to each project by checking/unchecking permission checkbox for each project.
The user must have appropriate permissions to make changes to roles. To edit a role, select the role in the all roles list view, right click and select open to open the role workspace. Also, double-click on the role to open the role workspace or select the role and press enter.
Actions New Tab and New Window will open the role workspace on new tab or in new window respectively
Editing an existing role includes the following operations:
Rename | Rename either from all roles list view by pressing F2 or open a role workspace and change the name. You can also select the role in all roles list view, right-click to open the context menu and select Rename. The role name will be in edit mode. |
e and check/uncheck all projects that apply as well as configure with appropriate permission templates.|
Role permission | Go to Permissions in role workspace and check/uncheck all permissions that apply for each associated project. |
Save | Click Save from the ribbon to save the changes. |
To delete a role, select the role in all roles list view and press DEL from the keyboard. Alternatively, you can select the role and select Delete from the navigation menu, or you can also select the role, right-click to open the context menu and select Delete.
A new window opens up to confirm the operation. Select “Yes” to confirm delete operation or select “No” to cancel deleting action.
The role will be deleted from the domain. If a user is assigned with this role, then the role will be removed from the user workspace and notification will appear in the bottom right corner.
A logged in user whose role has been deleted will be forced to log off. If the user tries to log in again, his login will fail, unless he has other roles assigned to him.