Ryarc Remote Agent


Remote Agent is the latest feature from Ryarc. This kind of Player does not have GUI and user can not play Audio or Video Campaigns. Remote Agent is basically Player service that will stay invisible and keep running in the background. This way user can publish only Commands from Web CMService without interrupting visually already running programs on the Desktop.

This feature is very useful to clients that only want to use the Player for executing Commands and also use the integrated MESH functionalities to remote access to the machines where the Ryarc Remote Agent is running. Because it's stripped from all audio and video features Ryarc Remote Agent will consume significantly less Resources (CPU and Memory) than standard Ryarc CMPlayer. Ryarc Remote Agent has separate installer and separate channel configuration file so user doesn't have to install anything else on the Player machine.

Remote Agent Configuration

Same as Ryarc CM Player, Remote Agent is configured with a separate channel configuration file (.xml). For the first time configuration, the file needs to be accessible from the remote player. In order to configure the Remote Agent, we need to access the Remote Agent configuration. To create Remote Agent configuration file go to Channels page. From the left navigation menu or right context menu click on Create Player Configuration File button for the selected channel and click on Create Remote Agent Configuration File. If you want to create Default configuration file click on the option Create Default Remote Agent Configuration File from the Create Default Configuration File button on the menu.

After *.cmrac file is downloaded double click on it to open this file. Automatically Remote Agent Configuration will be shown.

Same as CMPlayer Configuration the Remote Agent Configuration is a separate program that we use in order to configure the player and all its options. The main window of the Remote Agent Configuration is made up of four sections: Player Details, Channel Settings, General Settings and Diagnostics. Same options are available in all section same as CMPlayer Configuration with the exception of all Audo and Video features. For example options for Image and Video player are not available, but all other options that are not related with GUI are present. At the top of the window message is shown informing the user that Player is set to be invisible (Remote Agent Player).

Player Details

On the top of the Remote Agent Configuration window, under the main menu, there is information about the server and the domain that this player is configured from. The Player Details section is opened by default and has three subsections: Summary, Player Activity and Status information.

- The Summary subsection gives the user basic information about the Player (Remote Agent) setup.
- In the Player Activity subsection, we have information about the channel that the player is configured with.
- In the Status information subsection, there is information about further details of the machine that is running the player. There is information about: Gateway IP, DNS Name, Last Seen (this information explains when was the last time the player synced with the Service), O/S, RAM, Disk, CPU, Rebooted (when was the last time this machine was rebooted), Uptime (what is the time that the machine is running actively), Physical location, Time zone, Player version, AMT Capable, Average speed (the average speed of download), Live download speed, Sync Percentage, Call interval (what is the interval in seconds that the Remote Agent should check in with the CMService).

Channel Settings

Two sections are available. In the first section at the top of the Channel Settings, the user can select channels for configuring all the screens that are attached to the Player machine. He can also select the screen orientation. Below this section user can change the CMService call interval (in seconds, by default is set to 60) in the section Connection Settings.

General Settings

The General Settings section in the Remote Agent configuration is made of six subsections: Network Settings, General Settings, Restart and Exit Settings, Log Settings, Player Monitor Settings and RS232.

Below are explained all available options in these sections.

Network Settings

Use node server / Use proxy serverEnter Node Server IP address or the Proxy Server IP address.
Enable external trigger eventsThis will enable triggering. Usually, the default trigger port is 9500.
Select Network InterfacePossibility to choose between active Network Interface Cards (NIC's).
Suspend campaign distribution between these timesWill stop receiving new campaign versions between set times. If the start time is bigger than the end time, then the suspension will be between the start time Today, and the end time Tomorrow.

General Settings

Enable process monitorIf this checkbox is selected, when the player is running in the background in parallel the player process monitor will run. This application is controlling the execution of the player, and if the player has some problems and shuts down, the process monitor can restart it.
Automatically start on system rebootIf this option is checked the Remote Agent will start with the starting of Windows.
Disable screensaver (recommended)This option overrides the screensaver of windows to stay turned off when the player is running.
Auto updateWith this option, if the CM Service is upgraded, when the player communicates with it, it will download the update automatically and it will upgrade the version of the player when ready.
Process MonitoringIf a process that consumes the CPU more than the set time is detected, one of these three things will happen according to which one is selected:
Write a warning event onlyOnly a warning event will be logged in Event Viewer
Write a warning event and kill the processAlong with the event log, the process will be killed.
Do nothing
You can set time to be at 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 99%.

Restart and Exit Settings

This section has the following options available:

Allow PC RebootIf this option is selected, the Remote Agent will allow an outside script or program to reboot the PC. We can Enable Windows auto log on by entering the Username and Password of the windows user that runs the player on the machine.
Restart application/pc if system becomes unstable If this option is selected, if the RAM falls below the value selected, the machine will restart so the player does not hang while displaying media. This way when the player boots back it will continue to function normally.

Log settings

Event and Error SettingsIn the Event and Error Settings we can set the Remote Agent to record events and errors. We can write events in text files, in the Windows event log or both. In the Activity log post back schedule, we can set the time in hours in which the player will post back these changes to the server.

Player Monitor settings

Take Memory Sample IntervalThe time which the Remote Agent takes a sample of the RAM memory of the machine
Number of History Memory SamplesHow many memory samples should be taken
Predict Nth Sample in FutureHow many memory samples should be taken
Heart Beat Checking IntervalIt is used when we want to check if the player is working.
Virtual Memory Usage ThresholdValue of free RAM memory before Player shut down.


Under this partition, the user can set Execute Interval in seconds, Enable RS232 for a selected screen, choose (load) command template, and create a custom RS232 command by typing Data, COM port, Parity, Stop bits, Data bits, Baud rate, Flow control and type a Power code.


The Diagnostics section has two buttons and a status window where the results are displayed. If everything is ok with the player configuration and the player can connect to the CM Service, then the diagnostics should pass.

Close the Remote Agent Configuration and start the Ryarc Remote Agent application.

After starting the Remote Agent, Player will be started and will continue running in the background. Only visible proof will be the Ryarc icons in the system tray. One of the icon is for Remote Agent, the other one is the Remote Agent Monitor.

To close the Player , right click on the tray icon and click on Exit button.

Details view

After Remote Agent is configured properly and started it will be shown in Devices list. Login as DomainAdmin on Web CMService and go Devices page. Newly configured Device (Remote Agent Player) will be shown in the list with proper info and details of the Player machine. The Remote Agent has different icon than the standard CMPlayer.

When the user selects a device row, two panels correspond to the player’s data: The Details view with unique information about the selected device, and the right panel where the tasks and player activities are placed.

The details view is the panel placed above the device’s list view and replaces the pie and the location map when the user selects a device.

Under the Details view are located the information about the name, the status, when the player was last online, uptime, subscribed channels, player’s IP address, gateway IP, DNS name, O/S version, Player’s version, the call interval, location and time zone, live download and average download speed, CPU Disk and RAM state and Sync percentage.

IP AddressShows the IP address for the device
Gateway IPShows the gateway IP address for the device
DNS NameShows the device name
Last SeenShows when the device last contacted the CM Service
O/SShows the windows operating system
CPU InfoShows the device CPU version info
RAMShows the RAM information for the device
DiskShows the device hard disk space-related information
CPUShows the device average CPU usage information
RebootedShows the date/time when the device was last rebooted
Up TimeShows how long Android CM Player has been running
Physical LocationShows the location of the device
Time zoneShows the time zone of the device
Player VersionShows the Android CM Player software version
AMT CapableShows whether the device is AMT capable or not
Average speedShows the average speed of download
Live download speedShows the current download speed
Sync PercentageShows the sync percentage of metadata/media download
Call IntervalShows the duration at which Android CM Player contacts CM Service at regular interval

Tasks and Activity view

By selecting the specific player, also another panel opens on the right side. Here are placed the Player Tasks, Remote Process, Player Activity and the location map of the selected player.

Player Tasks

Under Player Tasks section are placed the commands for remote device management.

Only a user with Domain Admin permissions can use these commands, so if you are logged in as a project user than you won’t see the Player Tasks section at all. Remote device management feature enables the Domain Admin to approach remotely the devices where the players are playing at the moment so Domain Admin can use the commands under the Player Tasks only if the selected device is online. If the device’s service is not configured with remote management feature, then the whole Player Tasks section won’t be visible for any selected player.

How to configure the remote device management feature

If you are subscribed for this feature, then the service administrator already configured it in the realm mode.

Even configured, the remote device management feature is disabled by default.

How to enable the feature:

  1. Go to domain’s Control Panel and open the Remote Access Settings tab,
  1. Check the option under Remote Access,
  1. Press Save,
  1. Start your player,
  1. Wait for 5 to 10 minutes for the service to install the remote feature’s agent on player’s device.

You will know that everything is installed when the links under Player Tasks becomes enabled.

Remote device management commands

There are seven commands under Player Tasks for devices that support remote management:

Remote DesktopFrom this page the Domain Admin can manage the remote desktop of the selected online device.
File ExplorerFrom this page user can see the file system of the remote machine and manage files like add or remove a file, or replace a file to another folder.
TerminalThis page provides terminal where the user can type commands for the remote device’s machine.
Power OffThis option will turn off the remote device.
RestartThis option is the equivalent of reboot option, but for the remote device.
SleepThis option will put the remote device in sleeping mode.
HibernateThis option will put the remote device into hibernate device.

The last two settings depend of the device’s power settings.

Remote Process

Player activity

In player activity, we can see the channels associated on the player (Remote Agent). Under currently playing we can see which Commands are published to the player.

The last section of the right panel is the location map that gives the graphical presentation of the device’s physical location.

Context menu

The context menu contains all the options for the specific type of entity. The context menu for devices is located on the left side and replaces the site’s navigational menu. You can also approach Device’s context menu by right-clicking on the list view area.

The options from the right context menu are explained below:

RefreshClicking on this option will refresh the list of all devices that are currently in the list view with all the information about them.
Export Last Upgraded DevicesClicking on this option will create a CSV file of all recently upgraded devices that are currently in the list view with all the information about them.
Export History of Upgraded DevicesClicking on this option will create a CSV file with history of all upgraded devices that are currently in the list view with all the information about them.
Export Device ListClicking on this option will create a CSV file with list of all Devices.
Player Running Time.
Network UsageOpens Network Usage page for the selected Device.
Export Audit Log.
Change The ChannelThis option is enabled only for single selected device row and will redirect the user to device’s Channel Settings.
Pause DownloadWhen this option is set, the player does not download new content: You can publish new content or pull published campaigns, tickers or commands, but the player will not receive requests. After this option is disabled by clicking on the Resume Downloading, the player will receive all the changes.
Player Log ReportUser can approach the Neptune Player Report by clicking on this option only if the service is linked with Neptune service. Also if you want Neptune to make reports, you have to go to the domain’s Control Panel and check Record what has been played in play log.
RenameWe can use this option to change the name of the selected player.
DeleteIf some player is inactive for a long time, and we want to remove it from the Devices list view, we can delete it by selecting its row first. More than one device can be deleted at once.
Refine LocationWhen no device row is selected in Devices page, on the panel above the list view is displayed the devices status pie and the map with location pointers of all devices in the list.
When you select one device, the details view for this device replaces the all devices view. Among the devices, information is shown the physical location of the device. The physical location is not precise all the time and can point a nearby location of your actual. If you like to change the location and where the pin points on the map, you can press on Refine Location.

You can drag and drop the pin in a wanted location. Also, you can change the description of the location in the field above. This field also will offer suggestions of existing location while typing. If user chooses to go by suggestion, the pointer will automatically change to a new location. Relocate button will save the changes, and Reset to default will reset to a predefined location.
Reboot DeviceSends command to reboot the selected Device.
Enable UpgradeSends command to begin upgrade of the selected Device.
Create Task.

Remote Agent’s Configuration page in CampaignManager Web

Besides the Remote Agent Configuration file, the user can change settings for devices in device’s configurational page in CampaignManager Web. This page differs from the configurational file with the fact that the Remote Agent must be started when the user makes changes in this page. This page can be opened with a double-click on a specific device’s row. After double click on the selected Device in the list following page is shown:

At the top of the page information message is displayed informing that this is Remote Agent:

Player Details

Under Player's Details are listed three sections: Summary, Player Activity and Status information.


This section gives you information about player’s status, number of attached display devices, how many of available devices are configured to run the CM Player and the channels used in the configuration.

Player Activity

In the Player Activity subsection, we have information about the channel that the player is configured with. There is also information about which Commands are currently published.

Status Information

In the Status information subsection, there is information about further details of the machine that is running the player.

There is information about: IP Address, Gateway IP, DNS Name, Last Seen (this information explains when was the last time the player checked in live), O/S, CPU Info, Is Genuine Windows, RAM, Disk, CPU, Rebooted (when was the last time this machine was rebooted), Up time (what is the time that the machine is running actively), Physical location, Time zone, Player version, AMT Capable, Average speed (the average speed of download), Live download speed, Sync Percentage, Call interval (what is the interval in seconds that the Remote Agent should check in with the CampaignManager).

Channel Settings

Screen Management

In the top of the channel settings, there is placed the section for selecting channel and screen orientation for the player.

Connection Settings

In the Connection Settings, we can set the CMService Call interval (in seconds) (time that the player checks back (contacts) the CM service).

General Settings

The General Settings section in the Remote Agent configuration is made of six subsections: Network Settings, General Settings, Restart and Exit Settings, Log Settings, Player Monitor Settings and RS232.

Network Settings

The Network Settings is made of the Connection Settings and the Network interface section.

Connection SettingsWe can enable using Node Server, Proxy Server and Enable external trigger events.
Select Network InterfacePossibility to choose between active Network Interface Cards (NIC's).
Suspend campaign distribution between these timesWill stop receiving new campaign versions between set times. If the start time is bigger than the end time, than the suspension will be between the start time Today, and the end time Tomorrow.

General Settings

In this section we have the following options available:

Enable process monitorIf this checkbox is selected, when the Remote Agent is running in the background in parallel the Remote Agent monitor will run. This application is controlling the execution of the player, and if the player has some problems and shuts down, the process monitor can restart it.
Automatically start on system rebootIf this option is checked the Remote Agent will start with the starting of Windows.
Disable screensaver (recommended)This option overrides the screensaver of windows to stay turned off when the player is running.
Auto updateWith this option, if the CM Service is upgraded, when the player communicates with it, it will download the update automatically and it will upgrade the version of the player when ready.
Process MonitoringIf a process that consumes the CPU more than the set time is detected, one of these three things will happen according to which one is selected:
Write a warning event onlyOnly a warning event will be logged in Event Viewer
Write a warning event and kill the processAlong with the event log, the process will be killed.
Do nothing
You can set time to be at 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 99%.

Restart and Exit Settings

Allow PC RebootIf this option is selected, the Remote Agent will allow an outside script or program to reboot the PC. We can Enable Windows auto log on by entering the Username and Password of the windows user that runs the player on the machine.
System MeasuresWhen this option is selected, if the RAM falls below the value selected, the machine will restart so the player doesn’t hang while displaying media. This way, when the player boots back, it will continue to function normally.

Log Settings

Event and Error SettingsIn the Event and Error Settings we can set the CM Player to record events and errors. We can write events in text files, in the Windows event log or both. In the Activity log post back schedule, we can set the time in hours in which the player will post back these changes to the server.

Player Monitor Settings

Take Memory Sample IntervalThe time which the CM player takes a sample of the RAM memory of the machine
Number of History Memory SamplesHow many memory samples should be taken
Predict Nth Sample in Future
Heart Beat Checking IntervalIt is used when we want to check if the player is working.


Under this partition, the user can set Execute Interval in seconds, Enable RS232 for a selected screen, choose (load) command template, and create a custom RS232 command by typing Data, COM port, Parity, Stop bits, Data bits, Baud rate, Flow control and type a Power code.